
Notes on Ceramics 2. Cultural History of Chinese Ceramics - An Asian Perspective / by Prof. Ming-liang Hsieh






◆書  名:陶瓷手記2-亞洲視野下的中國陶瓷文化史
◆作  者:謝明良(國立台灣大學藝術史研究所教授)

◆規  格:精裝 菊8開 336
◆圖  版:全彩圖版788

◆定  價:NT.$1,50010本以上8折優惠,歡迎團購)
◆出  版:石頭出版股份有限公司

Paperback: 336 pages and 788 illustrations in color
Dimensions: Hardcover 21×27cm
Language: Chinese
Publishing date: October 2012
ISBN: 978-986-6660-22-1

List Price: NT 1,500














Ⅰ   造型紋飾篇
1-1  琮瓶再識
1-2  關於葉形盤──從臺灣高雄縣左營清代鳳山縣舊城聚落遺址出土的青花葉紋盤談起
1-3  十七世紀中國赤壁賦圖青花瓷碗──從臺灣出土例談起

Ⅱ   東西交流篇
2-1  從河南濟源漢墓出土的一件釉陶奏樂俑看奧洛斯(Aulos)傳入中國
2-2  記一件帶有圖像榜題的六朝青瓷穀倉罐──兼談同心鳥圖像的源流
2-3  鬼子母在中國──從考古資料探索其圖像的起源與變遷

Ⅲ   臺灣出土陶瓷篇
3-1  臺灣宜蘭淇武蘭遺址出土的十六至十七世紀中國陶瓷
3-2  記臺灣出土的東南亞古陶瓷

Ⅳ   中國瓷窯襍記
4-1  北宋官窯研究現狀的省思
4-2  宋人的陶瓷賞鑑及建盞傳世相關問題
4-3  元代青花瓷備忘錄
4-4  乾隆皇帝與柴窯鑑賞
4-5  乾隆皇帝和他收藏的越南白瓷碗




Notes on Ceramics 2. Cultural History of Chinese Ceramics – An Asian Perspective.


As an indispensable utensil for daily life, an elegant emblem carrying amusements of literati, and an imported good with exotic flavor, how does the fragile yet decadent ceramic play an essential role in the fascinating cultural history? In this book, a ceramic historian rooted in Asia with a grand view of the global ceramics will begin with fragments of ceramic samples, taking into account potteries, porcelains, and other types of artistic remains, thus guiding you to the history from the aspects of the appreciation of ceramics, trades, and the interaction between various cultures.

This book is a collection of recently published articles with author’s modifications based on new archaeological materials and academic discussions. It is divided into four themes entitled “Styles and Ornamentations”, “Exchanges between Orient and Western Civilizations”, “Ceramics Excavated in Taiwan”, and “Essays on Chinese Ceramic Kilns”, and investigates the cultural history of ceramics accordingly.

The author -- who has learnt domestic and foreign ceramic studies by heart and possesses a good command on the archaeological materials and relevant images -- often elucidates individual style or ornamentation in Chinese ceramic history in the context of the development of Asian ceramics, reflecting his scholarship in cultural history of ceramic with micro and macro points of views. Intrigued by the history of orient-western cultural exchange, he often discusses interesting issues in the orient-western exchange history through vivid images of the ceramic samples that he is familiar with. He provides inspiring conclusions and demonstrates the feasibility to use ceramic samples as clues to dissect history.

The book provides unraveling and crystal-clear arguments, supported by immense amount of images of orient and western ceramics. It is a fascinating reading in cultural history of ceramics for the researchers and the general public as well.


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